

Cellular Detox and Repair

Coseva’s Advanced Fulvic-Humic Acid Micronutrient Formula provides your body with the richest variety of natural organic substances needed to assist with cellular detoxification, replenish the gut microbiome, unlock important energy and nutrients from the foods we eat, and support a strong immune system.

The Science of Advanced Fulvic

In today’s world of processed foods and synthetic chemicals, our gut microbiomes are being starved of energy and nutrients they need to do their jobs.

The rich variety of natural organic substances found in Advanced Fulvic-Humic Acid Micronutrient Formula is similar to what the human gut microbiota evolved with in ancient times when our environment was cleaner and our technology was less damaging.

Taking Advanced Fulvic-Humic Acid Micronutrient Formula is like putting a reset on your gut microbiota. It takes it from a weakened, sickly state to a vibrant and robust condition that nature intended thousands of years ago.

Our source of Fulvic and Humic Acids comes from ancient sites located in pristine areas of the Southeastern United States. These sites were created pollution-free and are continuously nurtured, isolated from modern technology.


Detoxify and Replenish

Coseva’s Advanced Fulvic offers an optimal combination of fulvic acid, humic acid, and unique micronutrients. While other fulvic/humic products simply take their material from a single source (which is often high in humic acid and very low on micronutrients) Advanced Fulvic is formulated to combine material from several specialized sources to supply a balanced amount of all three components – fulvic acid, humic acid, and micronutrients – in a single serving.

The targeted natural materials combined in Advanced Fulvic have been optimized for:

  • Assisting with total body detox of heavy metals, pesticides, and other toxins
  • Providing 1000x the antioxidant power of popular “superfoods” to help the body with cellular-level repair
  • Supporting Healthy Immune Response
  • Helping optimize the gut microbiome and reduce “leaky gut”
  • Contributing to healthy inflammation response
  • Improving mental clarity and memory


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