Some of you may have followed my larger account that was suspended three months ago. Since before the PAN demic, I was sharing the idea that a messianic figure was being created for a “false awakening”. This awakening would reveal all kinds of “NWO” corruption. The masses would then follow the ones that are seemingly doing the exposing. I said many times the va______ would be exposed.
Look what’s happening now. It’s literally like clockwork. Perfectly timed to all fall into place before the second total solar eclipse in 2024.
They are going to vindicate Trump about everything and the conservatives will LOVE it.
It’s all about leading the sheep to the slaughter.

We are already in their NWO.
This is the Luciferian agenda that’s ushering in a Satanic, Orwellian slave state connected to AI.
Elon’s about to present the solution (brainchip) for all the cognitive issues the va_______ (developed under Trump) will create.