This is part 9 of my I, Pet Goat II explained series. In this part, we look at the full timeline of the I, Pet Goat II video, including the classroom calendar, the neptune retrograde period, the ace of swords year, followed by astrologically significant eclipses that appear at the end of the video — and that are not identical with the June 21 solstice eclipse or the July 4-5 buck moon. This will help us to go forward with more understanding of I, Pet Goat II, distinguishing plausible from implausible interpretations of other scenes.

Credit: 1. It was “Eyes Open” who observed the animal between Oct. and Nov in 2020. Thanks! 2. It was the commenter “Atlas” who observed that the girl on the dress could be the water bearer, representing Aquarius. Thanks, Atlas! If I have forgotten to give credit to anyone, please remind me! Thanks!