🔍 Who was the master manipulator known as Edward Bernays? This video explores the lesser-known, often controversial, or downright unethical aspects of Edward Bernays’ infectious legacy.

🤔 Did you know that Bernays’ influence still echoes in today’s society, possibly stronger than it ever has before? Discover how his techniques have shaped our world in ways most have never imagined. From manipulation to consumerism, and his unsavory family connections, this video explores the impact of Bernays’ strategies on culture, politics, and the minds of millions.

🔑 Key Topics:
Edward Bernays’ Influence
His Family Connections
Manipulation in Media
Propaganda Campaigns
Consumerism and Corporations
Historical Context of Fluoridation
Much more

📌 Stay tuned for more thought-provoking content on unique and unusual perspectives in history, culture, and beyond presented from a Biblical perspective.