In this video, we’ll go over what the Mark of the Beast will be and who gives it, according to the bible.

This is Part 3 of the “Mark of the Beast” series, in which we’ll take a look at how the bible describes the Mark, how it relates to 666, and whether it is a visible etching or symbolic in some way. This video is an edited version of the original, which is linked below.

0:00 Why this video was edited
0:29 Intro music
1:08 Recapping first two parts
2:30 Five very important questions
3:29 Who institutes the Mark?
5:35 What will the Mark look like?
7:27 When does the Mark appear?
9:07 Where will the Mark be?
11:32 Why is there a Mark?
12:56 The five requirements for the Mark
13:26 Does anything fit these requirements?
14:53 Many steps toward the Mark
16:14 How visible will the Mark be?
19:31 Thank you for watching